Local eyebrow lift

Local eyebrow lift

Due to natural loss of skin elasticity, skin gets saggy over time. This varies from person to person and is partly influenced by body build, body weight and family predisposition, among other factors. An overhanging upper eyelid can sometimes not be corrected by eyelid surgery alone. Sometimes the eyebrows are too low and it is necessary to improve their position first. This is often done at the same time as the eyelid correction.

Complaints of overhanging eyelids

Overhanging eyelids can give rise to a variety of complaints, such as:

  • Facial restriction (‘I keep looking at a roof’);
  • Oppressive feeling on the eyelids;
  • Different facial expression (‘are you tired?’);
  • An increasing feeling of headache during the day.

Preparation at home

Your specialist will ask you if you take blood-thinning medications. This use must be discontinued in advance in consultation with the specialist/ GP.

  • You should not take aspirin-containing medicines from ten days before surgery. You may take paracetamol.
  • Nicotine makes it harder for wounds to heal. You should therefore stop smoking at least three months before the operation.
  • One day before the operation you should not consume alcoholic drinks. Alcohol has a vasodilatory effect. This increases the risk of subsequent bleeding.
  • You will be given a local anaesthetic, which means that you do not have to be sober.

The operation

There are several ways to perform a brow lift.

Direct brow lift: In this method, an oval-shaped piece of skin is removed directly above the eyebrows. This tightens the forehead slightly and raises the eyebrows higher. The scars are placed in natural skin lines as much as possible and are generally not very visible. This operation takes place under local anaesthesia.

Lateral eyebrow lift: In a lateral eyebrow lift, only the outer part of the eyebrow is raised. The technique is similar to the direct eyebrow lift, but is limited to the outer side of the eyebrow. This operation takes place under local anaesthesia.

Eyebrow suspension: This procedure is performed through small incisions. Two small incisions are made at the hairline (without shaving away hair) and two just above the eyebrow. The skin of the forehead is partially loosened up to the eye socket edge to loosen the eyebrow. The forehead skin is lifted and secured with sutures. This operation takes place under local anaesthesia and takes about 1 hour.

After local eyebrow lift surgery

To reduce swelling, a pressure bandage is placed around the forehead in some cases. You may return home the same day. When you leave, you will be given a check-up appointment, which will take place 3-5 days after the operation. Until then, you will wear the pressure bandage that has been applied. You will be given a prescription for painkillers.

Care at home

After surgery, you will usually suffer from headaches in the first few days. You will be given a prescription for painkillers. The pain often subsides somewhat after the third day.

  • After removing the pressure bandage (after 3-5 days), you can carefully wash your hair;
  • The eyes may sometimes tear a little and be stuck in the morning. This is a natural protection against dehydration. Do not rub the eyes, but clean them with a damp eye swab or gauze with cooled, boiled water. After this, discard the eye patch or gauze.
  • The eyelids may be swollen above and below;
  • Sometimes the eyes may still open 1 to 2 mm when sleeping. Usually within one to six weeks, the eyes close completely again;
  • For the first few days, you are advised to keep your head slightly elevated on an extra pillow, not to bend over, lift heavily or drive a car;
  • Smoking and alcoholic drinks are strongly discouraged.

Check-up at the outpatient clinic

About 5 to 7 days after surgery, the stitches above the eyebrow are removed. The stitches on the forehead are removed after two weeks. Sometimes the forehead may feel a little dull up to the crown. Normal skin sensation recovers from the eyebrows towards the crown and progresses over weeks (sometimes months).

The costs of a local eyebrow lift

Authorisation the surgery must be requested in advance from the health insurance company. Whether the operation is reimbursed depends on the policy conditions and the medical indication. Sometimes the costs are fully or partially reimbursed.

If the operation is not covered by your health insurer, the cost of a brow lift is €1490. There is a surcharge of €590 for performing an upper eyelid correction at the same time.

Waiting time indication

1 4


2 1


3 0


0 7


Plastic surgery
0 4


Waiting time indication

1 4


2 1


3 0


0 7


Plastic surgery
0 4
